Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Bible

When we got home from church she was so excited to "read" her Bible!  She is sitting on the porch looking at it. 
This past Sunday was a special time with Brooke at church.  It was "Parent Child Sunday" and Matt and I got to go into her class with her.  She knew all the songs so well and it was really cute listening to her sweet voice.  Then the teacher read a Bible story and taught us a verse.   Then we made a project to go with the verse. The verse is  "Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path."  Psalms 119:105  We traced her feet and she ripped brown paper for the path.  Then we glued the verse on the bottom of the paper. 
At the end of the class the children received a magnet clip with their picture in it, and a Bible. 

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