Monday, March 21, 2011

Art Show

Brooke's rainbow art
Brooke had an Art Show at her school on Sunday afternoon.  It was impressive!!!  Lots of artistic ability in the children. 
Brooke's fish "collage"
She was so excited to show off her art work!

This is "drop art"...the children tore different colors of paper and dropped them.  Wherever they landed the paper would stick. The one on the bottom is Brooke's art work. 

The Elementary children were selling cupcakes.  They are raising money to buy a goat to help people in another country.  Brooke seemed to enjoy the cupcake that's for sure!!!
Then, we went into Miss Tina's room (the Toddler room she used to be in) and Tutu and Daddy played kitchen with Brooke.  This was her favorite part of being in the Toddler class.
In the Elementary room the children are learning about the Chinese culture. 

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