Thursday, March 31, 2011

Opening Day....GO TIGERS!

Jake and Carsen

Jake is such a sweet boy.  Love him!
Carsen loved calling for "Bwooke!!!"  Brooke got a kick out of how she said her name, so very adorable. 
Brooke kept picking Carsen was too cute!!!

My friend Nicole and her two kids came in from Chicago.  We had a good time over at her mom's house.  Nicole made dinner and we just let the kids play.  What fun!  We miss you so much, though.  Come back again soon. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

C'mon Spring...

                                                        We want SUNSHINE every day!!!!! 

New Bible

When we got home from church she was so excited to "read" her Bible!  She is sitting on the porch looking at it. 
This past Sunday was a special time with Brooke at church.  It was "Parent Child Sunday" and Matt and I got to go into her class with her.  She knew all the songs so well and it was really cute listening to her sweet voice.  Then the teacher read a Bible story and taught us a verse.   Then we made a project to go with the verse. The verse is  "Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path."  Psalms 119:105  We traced her feet and she ripped brown paper for the path.  Then we glued the verse on the bottom of the paper. 
At the end of the class the children received a magnet clip with their picture in it, and a Bible. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Visiting the D!


Check out what the Tiger is wearing???  CAR HARTT! 
We were downtown Detroit this past weekend after going to a Memorial Service.  It was a nice day, a little windy but the sun was shining!  

Mixing colors

Brooke has been into mixing colors and asking what happens when you mix 2 colors.  She loved when I mixed red and turned into PINK...her favorite color (for the day!)!!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vox Small Group friends

Last Wednesday was the last meeting for our small group we joined from our new church.  It was only 8 weeks long.  We will be signing up for a new group next week.   Sara and Brooke became good friends and had so much fun together.  They love seeing each other on Sunday mornings too.  Sara is a year older, but Brooke adores her. 

Starry Starry Night

This past Friday was my school "Spring Fair" called Starry Starry Night.  I volunteered in the "Walk of Fame" which is like a cake walk.  The children walked around to music and when it stopped they would stand on a square.  Each square was something to do with a famous character/person.  Ex:  Justin Bieber, Barbie, Sponge Bob,etc.  Brooke had fun walking around.  She was a dancing queen, too!  I really am not sure where she gets her moves!!!! 
This clown was funny.  He would ask each chid what their name was.  Then he'd say "Oh that was my dad's name, or that was my mom's name!"  It was funny to watch the kid's reactions.  The 5th graders figured it out, but the younger kids would look at him like whatever?!?!?  It's one of those things, you had to be there.  But, really I was laughing.  Brooke liked the clown, too!  He made her a dog balloon.  I was very scared of clowns when I was young, so I am proud of her.   
Brooke loved climbing, but needed some help.  My sweet student, Bella is helping her sister and then went over and helped Brooke get up to the top! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma Carpenter!

Today we went over to Grandma Carpenter's house and had dinner together, and sang Happy Birthday to her. Then we had yummy apple pie!   Matt's mom is such a wonderful, loving mom to us.  Brooke thinks she is the BEST GRANDMA, too!!!!  Thanks for all your love and support, mom.  We love you dearly. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What happened to SPRING?

It has been back to cold and icy outside...BOO!!!!!  We want SPRING back and we want it to STAY for a long time!!!! 

Macomb Rec Center

This is last Saturday after her "creative movements" dance class.  The Rec center, which is only about 15 minutes away,  is great...such a beauitful facility!  Thank you Tutu for helping us get her into a dance class. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Friends Forever

We watched Daniel the other day and enjoyed getting some fresh air outside in his backyard. 
                           Sweet Daniel and Brooke are so adorable together ...aren't they?!?!? 
Both of these 2 LOVE books.  One of my favorite pictures of them...Can I say PRECIOUS?!?

Art Show

Brooke's rainbow art
Brooke had an Art Show at her school on Sunday afternoon.  It was impressive!!!  Lots of artistic ability in the children. 
Brooke's fish "collage"
She was so excited to show off her art work!

This is "drop art"...the children tore different colors of paper and dropped them.  Wherever they landed the paper would stick. The one on the bottom is Brooke's art work. 

The Elementary children were selling cupcakes.  They are raising money to buy a goat to help people in another country.  Brooke seemed to enjoy the cupcake that's for sure!!!
Then, we went into Miss Tina's room (the Toddler room she used to be in) and Tutu and Daddy played kitchen with Brooke.  This was her favorite part of being in the Toddler class.
In the Elementary room the children are learning about the Chinese culture.