Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sunday!  Poor thing!  She fell asleep and we put her in bed at 6:30 pm, she slept until 7:00 am the next day! 

Pam was watching Brooke on Friday and she took her into the doctor because Brooke had such a bad cough.  She also had a runny nose and fever.  The doctor basically said what we figured she'd it seemed like a waste.  The poor girl is sick...what happened to the old days when you took your kid to the doc- he/she gave you medicine and you felt better in a day or two?!?!? So, Friday evening and Saturday we relaxed, stayed home, cuddled with ladybug blankie, played withToy Story guys, and had lots of soup!  We propped up her bed, ran the humidifier, used lots of chap stick/vaseline for her dry skin and lips, and gave her some Children's Motrin/Tylenol when needed!  Then.....around 3 am on Sunday morning the FUN began!  She was screaming/crying for hours...we could not get her to go back to sleep.  We knew something was wrong, but didn't know what to do.  So, I finally called the on-call doctor around 7 am, and he said he thinks she has an ear infection by the symptoms I was telling him.  So, he prescribed Amoxicillan and wow, it did wonders FAST! Her well-visit was the next day, which was perfect timing since she needed to be checked for sure that her ear was infected.  Sure enough, she took one look and said immediately that it was infected!  So, she will be on an antibiotic for 10 days. 
She even got a gown to wear this time!!!!  She weighs 40-1/2 lbs, and she is 40-1/2 inches tall. She is growing so fast...where has time gone? 

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