Sunday, July 31, 2011

Teddy Bear Camp

This was Brooke's 2nd year of Teddy Bear Camp.  It was nice to have Daddy with us too!    Making a teddy bear is so much fun!
Stuff that bear!!!!

Blake and Brooke making their teddy bears!!!

Lexy and Brooke smiling for the camera. "Water World" is Brooke's favorite activity at camp!

It was very HOT and HUMID at camp...looking at this picture reminds me of how exhausted we were from the heat!  She loved helping Daddy on his golf cart.

We tried to cool down as much as possible in the air conditioned room.  Brooke played with the flash light before bed one night. 

This picture shows how humid it was, my camera kept getting fogged up!

She had a great time praising Jesus with music and movement!

We met lots of new friends.  She especially got to know a new friend her age, Maleah.  They played together every day.  Maleah's mom, Jessica, was the Bible Teacher. 

Hanging out where Maleah's mom was teaching the Bible lesson. 

Maleah's little sister Laura is such a cutie pie!  Miss Ashley watched the girls during the week so Jessica could teach. My friend Amy, aka "Aunt Amy" in the background smiling, she was the Dean of this camp.  She did a wondeful job, the kids had a blast!
Matt and Darren, aka "Uncle Darren" worked hard getting water to all the stations.  The kids and parents had lots of water to stay hydrated in the terrible heat.  THANK YOU for keeping camp a safe place filled with HAPPY CAMPERS!

                                                Daddy got to drive the train around camp!

The girls had a blast in the sand!

I will post again soon...Stay tuned!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Playing with Tai and Marin

The girls in the pool, all smiles!
Tai and Uncle Matt playing trains
The girls drew themselves!

New Baltimore Park with Daddy

Backyard at Daniel's house

Our bathing beauty!
She loves to swim!

Summer time is so much fun!




Fun with Ava

Can you tell they are having a blast playing everywhere!!!!

Drawing with chalk

Riding bikes together...Brooke shared her helmet and bike.  We have two bikes because a friend gave us one, and it works perfect for play dates.  Thanks Pam for the bike. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Swimming at Aunt Pam's

                                         She had a BLAST swimming with Marisa and Amanda!