Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year...Good-bye 2011!

Perotti Christmas

Grams with all her Great Grandchildren!!!  We love you, Grams!!!
Brooke adores Great Grams!!!
Opening gifts!!!!

              Congratulations to Mike and Sue...we are so excited to meet their little guy in April.
Aunt Mary makes the BEST cake ever!!!!   YUMMY!!!

Hat day at preschool

She is so excited to wear her hat to school.
                                                    Showing off her new slippers that match!!!!

Visit to Morley Factory

Birthday gifts from Grandma and Grandpa C.

Thank you for all the craft items, books, and Cabbage Patch kid! 

Kensington Service

Every year we go to Kensington's Christmas service.  Matt had to work, so Brooke and I went with Jennifer Maloney.  It was a great service about PEACE.  Brooke went to the 4 year old room and hesitated for the first few minutes, but then enjoyed being with the kids. 

Interactive story

When she opened the book and heard our voices reading the story she had a huge smile! 


Grandma Carpenter gave Brooke stencils for her birthday.  She enjoys coloring so much! We trace and she colors in the pictures.  It's fun and so amazing to see how far she has gotten with coloring.  She has grown so much with her fine motor skills this year!


After we did the gingerbread house I made chocolate covered strawberries and pretzels. 
 Brooke enjoyed "taste testing" them for me!!!


  She got some "Squinkies" and played with them for a half hour on the kitchen floor!

Gingerbread house tradition

             Every year we make a gingerbread house...she had a lot of fun building it, decorating it
                                          .....and EATING the candy!


                                                             LOVE THIS FACE!

Cute ornament

Brooke made this at school and gave it to me on the day of her party.
Love it!!!

Brooke visits mommy's school

Eating pizza with my students.

She loves coming into my school! 

One day she will be a first grader, oh my!!!! 

Preschool Holiday Party

Brooke and her friend Morgan
She loves her teachers, Mrs. Bercel (above) and Mrs.Lemmon (below)

Lots of fun and food!